Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pieces Of Punk

What is Pieces of Punk? P.O.P. are random things, institutions, fashions, local business, and ideologies that help make punk what it is; kind of like putting together a puzzle. The location of all this is based in Southern California because, if you don't already know what happened, we're punk! There always has to be a refuge! A place where almost anything goes... AKA The Punk House! It usually comes in a few different forms A) Someones parents house whom are questionable themselves; B) One of your friends who is over 18 and has his/her own apartment/house; C)A Friend living with his grandparents; D)A super rich friend with an enourmous house and you basically have a whole wing for yourself. Personally, we had options C & D. C was awesome because his grandma broke her hip and then came down with an illness leaving our friend, Adam, with a a ni[e two story house complete with a pool for a summer thru winter. We all had a band that practiced in a room we tried to sound proof. Swimming and BBQs all the time, especially since another friend worked at a Carls Jr and would heist a bunch of everything. I'm pretty sure we listened to Fear The Record at least once a day, and somehow we befriended Rob Noxious from the Shitgiveits (RIP) and he would hang out, drink a red bull and tell us tons of stories about the shit he was doing when he was our age. Luckily, if we ever got bored both the mall and Punk rock Dennys were down the street. Times!

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