Thursday, October 21, 2010


With Halloween around the corner i've started pondering what I should dress up as. For some reason, this is always a dilemma for me. As a kid I never really cared for dressing up, just the antics of running around throwing eggs, so as the years have gone by i've developed a poor taste in wardrobe for such occasions. Two years ago, I was Christian Hosoi's speed dealer...last year, I was a '60s heroin dealer. Both of these costumes are either a insdiers joke, since you have to know who hosoi was and what happened to him, or just unimaginative since I just wore a bunch of black velvet stuff with a spiffy hat.. This year seems like i'm leaning towards black metal dude, but then again I already did that last december for Kellen The Destroyer's birthday dinner. Fuck me in the goat ass...


  1. Does that mean walk around with a boner in sheets? Because that might also constitute a tent...
