Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pieces Of Punk

What is Pieces of Punk? P.O.P. are random things, institutions, fashions, local business, and ideologies that help make punk what it is; kind of like putting together a puzzle. The location of all this is based in Southern California because, if you don't already know what happened, we're punk! Most punk kids always find away to get ahold of both booze and cigarettes. Most of the time, the easiest way to obtain these things is round up a bum or two and tell them that they'll get a 40oz for themselves, but this can be difficult since most places wont sell to the homeless because they either dont have I.D. or they have a record of getting drunk and passing out in the parking lot. The next evolutionary step is to buy direct. Here's where shit starts getting wild... We discovered, in the 7th grade, that the liquor store down the street from our middle school would sell us booze, smokes, and porn as long as there wasn't anybody else in the store. On top of that, there was a lady who lived in a house behind the liquor store that would sell cheap weed. On the very most top, we also had a friend who lived in a apartment building directly across the street from both the liquor store, and Sue the weed dealer; this proved to be clutch because what cop wouldn't stop a bunch of kids smoking cigarettes on skateboards with a pack of beer in their little arms. At Sometime i'll have to do a post about Eric Sweaney, our friend who lived in the apartment, because he's without a doubt the most ridiculous person i've ever met. Anyways, middle school was fucking crazy!

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