Friday, July 30, 2010

i've got a screaming otter in my pants

Screeching Weasel is definately one of my favorite bands of all time. A couple of weeks ago there was supposed to be a weasel cover band playing at the soda bar with all gay tribute to black flag, Black Fag, but they never showed up. Everyone was super bummed. Luckily, there was some dude that knew a couple of weasel songs and he went up there, solo, and jammed 'em out. That alone was such a fucking awesome time. Someone needs to have a tribute to the weasel sometime, and if no one is going to do it because they're too fuckin' sketchy, especially when there's a bunch of people that want to see it, maybe its time for someone else to pick up the torch. Also, screeching weasel tattoo in the near future...?


  1. i was that dude! yay!!!! :) i just wish i'd had more notice: i would've done a whole set!!!

  2. You rule! I wanted to hear my brain hurts, and you played it! Made my weekend!
