Monday, May 17, 2010

Locals Rule

San Diego Rasta Joseph Diliberti knows where it's at. Fight the power, brother!

check out a brief audio interview and accompanying article at the LA Times website HERE.

there's a really great, more in-depth article @ east county magazine, too.

the union trib version of the story makes me upset. their writers & editors are serious twats. they present human interest stories in the driest, least humanly-interesting way they can get away with. bare bones, like 300 words total. and the vast majority of the article is dedicated to city officials' views rather than on the citizen's side, or the BIGGER PICTURE, i.e. a corrupt bureaucracy hiring private companies (fascism!) to go onto someone's property to slam them with ridiculous fines in hopes of seizing land from an american citizen. a fucking war veteran, no less! ugh. the union tribune sucks. multinational newscorp dickheads

Oh... but on a different note, go Pads!

1 comment:

  1. WHAT A GANGSTA!! dude that's badd assss. thanks for sharing ryry :).
