Monday, March 1, 2010

Pieces Of Punk

What is Pieces of Punk? P.O.P. are random things, institutions, fashions, local business, and ideologies that help make punk what it is; kind of like putting together a puzzle. The location of all this is based in Southern California because, if you don't already know what happened, we're punk! Nothing is more Punk than a classic car! It doesn't have to be restored to its original stature, nor does it have to be beat up and spray painted. If it runs, you're golden! Personally, one of my best friends had a bright metallic blue, late '60s, Plymouth Valiant. It didn't have a stereo so we hooked up a home entertainment speaker to a '70s handheld tape recorder, which was still the size of a small briefcase, and would drive around listening to Dahmer (Canadian grind). You couldn't actually hear the music itself, just the noise it was making....Fucking awesome! Then one day it broke down, and it's been sitting in the backyard of a house in east county for the last 8 years!


  1. it'd be punk if that's all you had and you didn't fucking care. it'd be a fit of hipster chic to blog about what kinds of cars are cool

  2. How many times did I use the word cool?

  3. my point exactly, my friend! you confuse punk and cool. nothing is more punk than a classic car? yikes

  4. ps.
    i mean the idea of cool. i wouldn't consider this to be anything but dorky

  5. Yeah, you know... Cruising around in a old beat up car really got me into hanging out in the senior quad in high school instead of the corner of the library. Oh wait it didn't. What did it do? Oh yeah, gave us a way to get to the record store. Fucking A!
