Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tonight @ Che Cafe - Tera Melos is back in town!

Don't miss this! Understand this Southern CA drivers: sometimes it rains. who would have thought?! it's okay to drive in said rain. remember, there is most likely a lot of oil on the surface of the roads, so be careful. it's nothing to stress about. shouldn't be a big deal if you leave your house tonight (so long as you don't drive like an asshole). okay? alright.

Che Cafe + CS Touring presents:
@ Che Cafe

2-20 @ che cafe

Tera Melos
thrash/noise/pop underdogs from northern cali

All Leather
Justin Pearson's newest project - noise/rock/noise

Drug Wars
kinda like Fluf meets Tanner w/ some traces of Ozzy

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