Monday, February 22, 2010

Pieces Of Punk #1

What is Pieces of Punk? P.O.P. are random, institutions, fashions, local business, and ideologies that help make punk what it is; kind of like putting together a puzzle. The location of all this is based in Southern California because, if you don't already know what happened, we're punk! To have succesful punk growth in a region there needs to be a 7-11. Reasons being 1)Great place to loiter; 2)other kids from the neighborhood will go there when they're bored because they know someone is always there; 3)Good and reliable lighting provides a safe place to hang out at night; 4) the cashier will usually sell you anything you want, even if you're underage, as long as you got the balls and no one else is in the store; 5)Even if he wont sell to underage kids, there are plenty of people that could use an extra dollar or two that will buy you beer/smokes/porn, also know as, "Fishing." Plus, what's better than a heatwave and a slurpee!

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