Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Jason from 7 inches blogdom wrote a little rant on Drug Wars today. He even linked to Das Cult's own Utah's rant on why "lo-fi" will be the self implosive death of hipsters or whatever the fuck he was bitching about. Here's some quick excerpts:

"3 color spraypaint job on some pressed particle board, it screams punk DIY. Making something out of nothing, that never gets old. Playing guitar, bass and drums at a frantic pace, with a Hot Snakes feel never gets old.

4 Tracks named 9, 8, and 46 all at 33 1/3, a proper punk EP, all of them are available to preview at their
myspace...the melodies have been creeping into my head ever since. It's almost a shame actually, the quality is so god damn bad, if you go back and listen to the vinyl...shit it's like the lo-fi version of these guys...and you already know how they feel about that."