I think the magazine looks great. Kevin Martin gave me a copy at the GBL EP release show a while back. The spread is all color (pretty gnarly for an indie mag). It showcases mostly all SD bands including: Get Back Loretta, The Silent Comedy, Crash Encore, Grand Ole Party, Transfer + others.
Only problems I see with the magazine are: 1. the layout is a bit all over the place. pictures are in awkward areas, etc. 2. all the articles are really outdated. GBL talks a lot about their gnarly touring experiences (like when they got arrested, blah blah). but that was forever ago. seems like it took too long to compile all the material, layout & then come up with the money to release.
ANYWAYS, hit up the show & pick up a copy. Ben Martin (the man behind the mag) spent a lot of time on this venture!
