.. You may ask .. Why is that so cool !?!?.. And why would a musician reallllllly care about a operating system for a computer??
Those of you who know me , know I'm a bit of a tech head ..
I truthfully only got into tech stuff because of ( DIY / home ) recording ..
So for me It comes down to .. digital recording ..And the ( new amounts of ) power your basic consumer computer will now have .The proccesing power that can and will be in the hands of tons of musicians who have a ( intel ) Mac should rival the HD systems of the past ..
I'm not saying there isn't a huge advantage to having a " real " studio with RAD out board gear and all the bells and whistles .
But for your avarage musicians who makes demos at home .. Or records bands using a native based recording system this will be a huge performance jump.
Even garage band ( which comes for free with your mac and is not bad at all ) will be powerful
This all boils down to three new " under the hood " changes in the OS ..
1) Grand Central .. Now apps can be writen to take full advantage of grand central which will handle all of multi core threading at the OS level and truely use all that power that is packed into these modern computers ..
2) open CL..
Depending on the graphics card you have in your Mac , Snow Leopard will be distribute / share the computing power between your processor and your graphics card which will incress your processing power and make a big difference for some people ..
3) the whole operating system can run @ 64 bit .. It will probably take a little while to see a ton of 64 bit apps .. But when they come .. It should be badass!
Basicly .. Your MacBook should be crazy fast .. If you have a macpro tower you will probably be able to launch spaceships ..
To top it off it's only $29 if you already have leopard ..
Tech Alert ....over..
-- Aaron K. Swanton
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